The Subject of the Gaze (2011)

I am object – feminised object.

The Subject of the Gaze is a 7:04 minute single-channel video. In this work I was interested in exploring my unyielding vulnerability as a woman and as a tourist by violating myself and violating those who watch. I was attempting to generate something for a split second, and to test the reactions of people.

“…to photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they never see themselves” (Susan Sontag 1971).

“… the camera turns nature and society into grabable objects” (John Urry 2002).

“…bodies themselves are especially subject to the gaze, especially the marked racial and gender inequalities that are involved. Males look through a kind of porno-tropic lens which is endlessly voyeuristic” (John Urry 2002).